Allan W Goodall. Writer, Game Designer, Software Developer.

Imageimage by Stepan Celic

Stargrunt II Errata

The following is the complete, and current, official corrections and clarifications to the Stargrunt II rule book.


Page 6: Page 6 makes reference to open die shifts, with respect to Impact versus Armour rolls, on page 38. Page 38 says nothing about open shifts for Impact versus Armour rolls. See Page 38 correction and the Clarifications section, below.

Page 16: Available Actions, the double asterisked footnote says, "** Unit may perform TWO actions, but only with DIFFERENT weapons; any single weapon may only fire ONCE per game turn." This should actually read, "** Unit may perform TWO actions, but only with DIFFERENT weapons; any single weapon may only fire ONCE per activation."

Page 20: Confidence Tests, paragraph 6, says, " is on a MEDIUM MOTIVATION mission. The unit has just taken its first casualty, which requires it to test confidence with a Threat Level of +2." This should actually read, " is on a LOW MOTIVATION mission. The unit has just taken its first casualty, which requires it to test confidence with a Threat Level of +2."

Page 20 and Reference Sheet: Threat Level Table for Confidence Tests, the "For each currently UNTREATED CASUALTY in a unit" lists the modifiers as +1/+0/NTR for Low/Medium/High Mission Motivation. This should actually read +1/+0/+0. The "NTR" portion is a misprint.

Page 25 and Reference Sheet: in the Spotting Hidden Units section, the rules summary (and the reference sheet) says, "Minor success = counter flipped (if unit), dummies removed." This is contradicted by the text that says, "If the counter is a sniper, mine, booby-trap or dummy, it is left inverted and the observer knows only that there is not actually a troop unit present." The text is correct, and dummy markers are not flipped over on a Minor Success.

Page 33: General Fire Procedure, paragraph 6, says, "...NO WEAPON MAY BE FIRED MORE THAN ONCE PER TURN...". This should actually read, "...NO WEAPON MAY BE FIRED MORE THAN ONCE PER ACTIVATION...".

Page 35: Fire Resolution, paragraph 1, says, "The 'Target' player will roll TWO dice...". This should actually read, "The 'Target' player will roll ONE die...".

Page 36: In the SUMMARY OF INFANTRY FIRE PROCEDURE, STEP 3, delete the section that says "No modifiers used." On page 13 it states that cover modifies the armour die. This is correct and page 36 is incorrect.

Page 38: As per Jon Tuffley, Impact versus Armour rolls are subject to open die shifts. This isn't stated on page 38, but it should be.

Page 40: Unguided Rockets says, " the rocket's Firepower die (a D8)...". This should actually read, " the rocket's Firepower die (a D10)...".


Page 6: A reference is made to Impact versus Armour rolls being open shifts. The official answer from John Tuffley is that Impact versus Armour — whether it be infantry or vehicles — is an open die shift, not a closed die shift.

Page 10: A squad automatically receives an additional suppression marker when a squad leader is wounded or killed. Lots of people seem to miss this one.

Page 13: Cover modifies the armour die as well as the range die.

Page 13: Being In Position shifts the Range Die up one for Direct Fire, and shifts the Armour Die up one for Indirect Fire.

Throughout the text: The rules use the term "TO&E" without explaining what it means. This is an actual military term that stands for Table of Organization and Equipment.

Command Levels and Transfer Actions - Official

A command squad can transfer actions to a subordinate squad. What happens, though, when you have more than one level of command on the table, such as when you have a company commander present on the table? How many times could a squad have actions transferred to it?

This is the official clarification from Jon Tuffley.

No squad may be activated in one turn more times than there are command levels present on the table, where squad leaders = command level 1; platoon leaders = command level 2; company commanders = command level 3, and so on.

Thus: if only squads are present on-table, no squad may activate more than once (there is no-one to transfer actions); if a platoon command is present then a squad may be activated twice (its own and one re-activation), if company command is present a single squad may activate up to three times (its own, platoon commander reactivation and company commander reactivation of platoon commander, who reactivates the squad), etc.

Transfer Actions While Suppressed- Official

This is the official clarification from Jon Tuffley.

A unit that is suppressed may accept a Transfer Action from its command unit.

A command unit that is suppressed may Transfer an Action to another unit. Jon says the following, "Hmmm, a bit of a grey area this one! I would say that in most cases they probably CAN transfer actions, though there might be some circumstances in which this would be unrerasonable..."

Confidence Tests - Official

This is the official clarification from Jon Tuffley.

You only make a Confidence Test for circumstances with a "basic threat level" number beside them on the Threat Level Table for Confidence Tests on page 20. You do not make a Confidence Test for circumstances with a "+" number beside them. The circumstances with a "+" number are added to another test.

For instance, you do not make a test for a unit that comes under artillery attack without sustaining casualties or being suppressed for the first time. You do add the artillery modifier of +2/+1/+0 to the 2/1/NTR test if a unit takes casualties due to an artillery attack.

This seems very obvious, and clearly written, but there's one test — the one for untreated casualties in a unit — that is listed as +1/+0/NTR for Low/Medium/High mission motivation. Since NTR stands for "No Test Required", some people interpreted this to mean that the "+" number circumstances are not just modifiers to other tests but tests in their own right. This is incorrect. As stated above in the errata section, Jon has clarified this and the "NTR" should be "+0".

For an interesting variant, see the Morale Modifications house rule.

Medics and Reorganise Actions - Official

This is the official clarification from Jon Tuffley.

As written in the rules, a squad conducts a Reorganise Action to, among other things, determine the health of wounded characters. During the Reorganise Action you roll to see if each casualty is okay, wounded, or dead. There is a modifier to this roll if a medic is in the squad.

The rules don't take into account the possibility of medics acting as individual figures or as small squads in their own right; the rule assumes that a medic is part of a squad. What happens if you have medics that are not part of any specific squad? Can they still help heal wounded figures? If so, who pays for the Reorganise Action, the squad being healed or the medic?

If you have medics as individual figures, or as independant squads, they may heal members of other squads as long as they are within integrity range of the squad. The medic figure/squad conducts the Reorganise Action itself as one of its two actions. This special "healing" Reorganise Action does not require the squad with the wounded figures to be activated. However, this special Reorganise Action can only be for the purposes of healing figures. The status of the wounded figure is the only thing that is done with this Reorganise Action. If the squad wishes to Reorganise for any other purpose, it must do so as part of its own activation.

Vehicle Impact Versus Armour - Official

This rule has been playtested, and is now considered, by Jon Tuffley, an "official" optional rule for those who wish to adapt it.

The way the rules are written, when rolling Impact versus Armour for vehicles both the impact and the armour rolls are expressed as multipliers to a D12 roll. For instance, level 2 armour would mean the vehicle rolls D12 and multiplies the result by 2, while a class 3 heavy weapon would roll a D12 multiplied by 3 for a minor hit and a D12 multiplied by 6 for a major hit.

The new rule states that instead of rolling a D12 and multiplying the result by the weapon class size or the armour level multiplier, you instead roll a number of D12s equal to the multiplier and add the dice totals together.

Example: A GMS/L fires at the front of an APC with level 3 armour. The GMS/L scores a major hit. This gives a "multiplier" of x4. Under the new rules, the GMS would roll 4 D12s, adding up the result. The APC would roll 3 D12s, adding the result. The totals are compared as usual to determine what happened to the vehicle.


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